Happy Birthday Austin!

December 27, 2024 / Written by Luke 4:18

Austin’s Destiny

Austin’s destiny is to be an Overwhelming Overcomer. One of her major giftings that make this possible is that she is called to be a worshipper, offering high praises and strategic intercession to the One and Only True God. Austin worships before the Throne, but also in the face of the dragon. The new sound of heaven disrupts and confounds the enemy’s schemes sending them into great chaos and it also brings the plans of heaven into the earth realm.

How do we know this about Austin? We are looking directly at the stars that God hung in the sky to determine how they were set at the time of Austin’s founding. Each person, family, and place has a specific time they were “birthed” into the earth realm. The Bible tells us that God predestined us to be conformed to the image of His Son… (Romans 8:29) The celestial picture at the moment of our birth reveals much about God’s plan for us.

What we know as the zodiac was called the mazzeroth in Hebrew and is used in Job 38:32. It relates to 12 major constellations and 36 additional ones that give further definition to them. These constellations form a circular line that tell Jesus’ story from birth to His second coming. Few have recognized that Yeshua’s story is clearly written in the sky. Astrologers of ancient cultures saw and named the constellations but did not see the pictures as telling a story. The names they chose for the constellations often featured Babylonian gods and animals. Even the astronomers missed the significance of the constellations. They named the pictures as they saw fit, but God was the One who named the stars within these constellations. Several brilliant people over time researched the names of the stars and found that their names meant the same thing no matter what language was being used. By studying the names of the stars, they were able to see the picture God intended and name the constellations in alignment with His plan. This has given us great confidence to believe what God originally intended when He set these stars in place.
That being said, each person, family and place, has a unique piece of this overall picture that is identified by the location of the sun, moon and planets in relation to the constellations. We are literally found “in Him” in the stars.

Here we are looking at Austin’s particular star chart that was in place on December 27, 1839, the day of Austin’s founding. We can gain great insight into her characteristics and nature as God saw when He formed her. Our goal is to speak Austin’s destiny over her until she is conformed to the image of her that God saw. We are calling Austin to align with Heaven’s purposes.
Austin has been given the ability to receive revelation from Heaven to birth things into the earth, not just conceive the ideas but the know-how to cause them to manifest. She has a strong voice that should be used to call things into being and initiate action. Her words and actions have the ability to greatly affect this region, but also to impact the world. God’s heart for Austin is that this gift will be used to advance His Kingdom far and wide while, at the same time, destroying the works of the devil that have planned to usurp God’s will. Austin is a city that fights victoriously against serpents and scorpions. The power that God has given Austin in this calling requires that she maintain a humble heart submitted to God.

Austin’s passion and leadership are joined together to bring about righteous judgments. She is not overly concerned with what others say about her but is willing to be an example of one who goes against the tide to showcase the power of God working through her. She uses her voice and powerful influence to regain and establish justice. Her compassionate heart seeks to care for those who are suffering and lost, victims of the enemy’s nefarious schemes. Austin leads the way in sacrificing herself for her people’s well-being and giving her gifts to others to aid in the restoration. With the heart of a warrior, she passionately fights for life, even if that means fighting to the death. As a city set on a hill, she carries resurrection power. Austin’s light defeats the darkness and is a beacon of hope for those that are suffering, abused and rejected. God has a great reward for Austin as a valiant warrior for life. Even in the midst of all the warfare, God calls Austin a standard of peace in the earth.

In summary, Austin is first and foremost called to be a place of overwhelming overcoming through high praise and worship. Music is a very special gift and should be used to usher in the wonders of the Lord. With this anointing expressed through worship, Austin fights for true righteousness for the people and for the land. She is gifted with great brilliance and insight into heavenly plans and purposes and the ability to birth them into the earth. Austin is a victorious warrior and a beacon of hope who uses her voice and influence to advance God’s Kingdom throughout the world.

Austin is a Truth Center

January 17, 2025

Happy Birthday Austin!

December 27, 2024

Welcome to the DOT Blog!

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