God Has Something New to Say Every Day!

January 13, 2025 / Written by Luke 4:18

Recently, we hosted Jim Wilder and his Life Model Works team in Austin to teach us about becoming gentle protectors. This class was based on the idea that we must learn how to engage our right brain, the place where relationships and creativity originate, in our spiritual life.

The left side of the brain is where knowledge is stored. It’s factual and fixed. If the left brain dominates in our lives, then we are going to lean toward living our life by the rules. How does this hurt us in our relationship with Yeshua? Yeshua tells us His Word is living and active, it’s alive. His Word speaks to us, at least that’s His desire, but how will we hear Him if we don’t know to listen for His voice? If we haven’t learned that we can hear His voice, we won’t even try. And for many, this is how we were raised. Our “education” in church and Sunday School was often based on memorization and making sure we do all the right things, check all the right boxes. While it’s necessary and profitable to read the Word and store it in our hearts, if that’s as far as our “relationship” with God goes, we are missing a huge piece of how the Lord wants to relate to us. He doesn’t want a robotic, routine approach to relationship, but rather one that flows by the Holy Spirit, one that is living and responsive, one that is interactive.

Why do people have a hard time praying? People ask “how do I know that’s God voice and not my own thoughts?” Yeshua says, “My people know my voice.” You can learn to recognize His voice. If you’re listening, you’re probably hearing Him far more than you realize. Not only can we learn to hear God, but we can ask Him questions and expect He will answer – now!

He’s got something new to say to you every day!

When people come to Luke-418 Ministries for deliverance or prayer, we want to make sure they leave here knowing they can hear God for themselves. This vital skill is what will revolutionize our relationship with Jesus. We teach them about Immanuel Journaling, a tool that was pioneered by Jim Wilder.

If you want to know more about hearing Him speak to you and developing intimacy with Him, here are a few resources.

Podcast Episode 86
Immanuel Journaling

Austin is a Truth Center

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