In Luke 4:18, Jesus declared that he was anointed by the Spirit of the Lord to proclaim healing and freedom. The same Spirit is at work today in the followers of Jesus.
We provide opportunities for individuals to experience healing, freedom and spiritual direction through prayer at our healing rooms. No appointment is necessary for the healing rooms. Please come at least 30 minutes before it ends.
Lighthouse Northwest Healing Room

We meet in-person at Northwest Fellowship Church, but you can also send in a prayer request or receive ministry over the phone. Lighthouse NW is a healing prayer room that meets once a week & once a month.
- Every Tuesday night: 7pm – 8:30pm
- 2nd Saturday of every month from: 10 am – 12pm
Come experience the presence of God through the power of prayer in personalized healing sessions for healing your heart, soul, mind, body and relationships in a safe, loving and confidential environment.
You may send your prayer request to nwlhhealing@gmail.com
If you’d like to receive prayer over the phone, please submit your Name, Phone number, and Prayer Request to nwlhhealing@gmail.com by 4:00 p.m., on Tuesdays.
For prayer on the second Saturday, please submit your Name, Phone number and Prayer Request to nwlhhealing@gmail.com by 5 p.m. on Friday.
Note: Please be available to receive the call from one of our Prayer Team members between 7:00-8:30 p.m. on Tuesday or 10 am and Noon on Saturday. Be aware that it would be a phone number that you would not recognize, and may state Private Number, Blocked Number, or something similar.
Lighthouse NW is held at Northwest Fellowship, 13427 Pond Springs Rd, Austin, TX 78729 (at the intersection of Anderson Mill Rd).

Vision Luke 4:18 Ministries is an accredited member of the International Association of Healing Rooms.